Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snow stormin'

I don't know about how is your winter but let me tell you here in Sofia, Bulgaria which is in eastern Europe (for those of you who don't know)has been snowing a lot since Tuesday. Everywhere and everything is so white and pretty and so perfect for shooting outside. I can't wait to show you some more photos of me in the snow, lol.
I have been overcoming my shyness lately and actually now I prefer and enjoy shooting the photos for the blog outside.
And now lets get to the fashion stuff. Something that I have been wearing a lot this past month is a high wasted skirt and a over sized sweater. In this case I took a dress that normally looks like this

and paired it with a striped sweater from BERSHKA and my favorite brown boots.


Monday, January 23, 2012

I am back

This fall and winter burgundy has been everywhere - pants, jeans, sweater, everywhere I tell you. So when a couple of weeks ago I found a piece of wool burgundy fabric in my grandma's closet and giving that it was not a lot of fabric, the first thing that came to my mind was SHORTS. I told her exactly how I imagined them, made a little sketch for her and now they are finally ready. I must admit I have not been so exited for one of my designs in a long time, that may be because I haven't made anything since I don't even remember when but anyway I love my shorts and I have a few projects in mind for when my exams are over.
The sweater is from ZARA


Monday, January 16, 2012

Elephant in the room

Flowers and fur, so cute lol. I paired this chiffon blouse with my favorite leggings. They are tight like tights but at the same time they are so comfy and they are velvet.

the earrings are my latest DIY creation :)


Friday, January 13, 2012

Cheetah and mud

This week and the next one are going to be so exhausting for me because at the end of the month is exam time at my university which means that almost all of my teachers want us to show them everything that we've worked on this semester of course - finished, so that they can grade us. Now just because I love doing things the last minute I get to stay up all night drawing bones and reading deep philosophical stuff about love and beauty. Then imagine I go to school today after I have not slept last night and in my first class our professor made us write a script on the subject...wait for it... MUD. Basically we had to think of a story about mud, absolutely everything was up to us only, it had to have an open ending. We ended up hearing some very good and some very funny stories. My day continued with 3 more hours of art classes and work in the evening. Now is about 2 am and I am hoping and crossing my fingers to fall asleep right away just because I am so so tired but anyways this is the outfit that I wore today.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lady like

You may be wondering why on Earth would I post pictures from my prom day when first, it was a year and a half ago and it is winter now. Well for the past about half an hour I have been going through all pictures, I found the ones from my graduation and I remembered how much fun I had searching for the dress I wanted. The thing was that I really really wanted a nude, creamy color short dress. I really wanted to make it myself but of course like every other time I have an idea about something I want to make I could't find the fabric I wanted and when I say this I am seriously talking about that I even went and looked for fabric for drapes and I could not find what I was looking for. Here you might think I was probably looking for some crazy thing with a crazy design but no, I wanted a simple light beige silk and chiffon fabrics. After about a week after I gave up and started looking just for a fabric that I liked and was good to be made into a prom dress I was at the mall with my best friend at the time and we went to a store called New Yorker. I like shopping there because they have a good mix of basics and interesting stuff and the quality you get for the price is very good. So we are looking around and I see this dress and I say to my friend 'that dress is almost exactly what I want', I tried it on and fell in love with it and I mean that, even now this dress is one of my favorite things I own, and guess how much was it. About 35$ or 25 EUR. Yes that much, and giving that I did my make up and hair for the occasion, with the shoes and the bag I spend under 150$.
So moral of the story is you don't necessarily need to spend a ton of money to look and feel amazing on your special day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

01/01/12 00:00

Cheers to a great 2011 and a kick ass 2012!
For me 2011 was a very good year. I got a new job that I really like, I started this blog and I made some of my designs into actual clothing pieces. However I think that 2011 was just the beginning. For 2012 I have a couple of goals and resolutions, for example I want to learn to ride a bike and swim, paint more, spend more time with my friends and most important-I want to make more clothes. I have a lot of ideas but I don't like drawing and sketching them so I tend to forget about them and I don't like that.
So in the spirit of that idea I put on my favorite dress that I've made for the party I went to to celebrate the beginning of the new year.

Another very important resolution for 2012 I made was to take more pictures when I am out with friends or my family or just someplace at sometime so that I will learn how not to take pictures like the following once lol